Privacy Policy

This website with the URL (“Website/Site”) is operated by Wire and Wireless Communications, a company registered as Wire and Wireless Communications (“We/Our/Us”). We prioritize the trust you place in our website and maintain the highest standards for secure transactions and customer information privacy.

Personal Information

By using our website, the user acknowledges that they are voluntarily disclosing their User Information. If the user chooses not to disclose any User Information before completing the registration process or availing of any services offered on our website, they may refrain from doing so. However, failure to provide requested information may result in incomplete registration and/or the inability to access Wire and Wireless Communications' services and make online purchases.

Non-Personal Information

Wire and Wireless Communications may also collect non-personal information from users when they visit and/or use the website. This information, stored in server logs, does not personally identify the user. It may include:

a. User’s geographic location

b. Details of user’s telecom service provider or internet service provider

c. The type of browser used

d. The operating system of user’s device

e. The duration of user’s stay on the website

This non-personal information is collected through various means, including the use of cookies. Wire and Wireless Communications may store temporary or permanent ‘cookies' on the user’s device. Users can erase or block these cookies and configure their browser settings accordingly. However, disabling cookies may prevent certain website features from functioning properly.

Usage of the Information Collected

We primarily use the information collected to provide, maintain, protect, and improve our products and services. Additionally, we may use the information to:

  • Improve our services and website user experience

  • Personalize product and service recommendations

  • Process transactions and provide customer support

  • Communicate about promotions, events, and news

Links to Third-Party Websites

Our website may contain links to third-party websites, which are not controlled or affiliated with Wire and Wireless Communications. We do not endorse the privacy practices or policies of such third parties and recommend reviewing their privacy policies before using their websites.

Security and Retention

We are committed to ensuring the security of user information and protecting it against unauthorized access or alteration. We adopt internal reviews, encryption, and physical security measures to safeguard user information. However, we cannot provide absolute assurance regarding the security of user information due to the inherent risks of the internet.

User Discretion and Opt-Out

Users have the option to provide or withdraw consent for the collection of personal information. They may do so by contacting our grievance officer or following the opt-out instructions provided. However, opting out may limit access to certain services or products offered on the website.

Use of Cookies

We use cookies to improve user experience and deliver personalized content. Users may set their browsers to reject cookies, although this may affect website functionality. Third-party advertising companies may also use cookies for advertising purposes, but any information collected is anonymous.